2024 Fall Exhibition

October 11–19, 2024

Stables Gallery

Taos Center for the Arts

The Taos Abstract Artist Col­lec­tive (TAAC) pro­motes abstract artists liv­ing and work­ing in North­ern New Mex­i­co toward the exchange of ideas, new aes­thet­ics and cre­ative con­cepts. Taos is syn­ony­mous with abstract think­ing, with ori­gins in indige­nous geome­tries, tran­scen­den­tal and mod­ernist move­ments, and con­cep­tu­al and land art installation.

Once the nexus for west­ward bound artists, Taos unleash­es expan­sive, abstract thinkers. It is from this land­scape that TAAC is pleased to pro­duce annu­al exhi­bi­tions high­light­ing abstract con­cepts across diverse artis­tic media and prac­tice. Rep­re­sent­ed amongst the TAAC com­mu­ni­ty are estab­lished, mid-career and emerg­ing artists who show in Taos or North­ern New Mex­i­co, nation­al­ly and internationally.

TAAC is an artist-dri­ven idea plat­form. As we enter our 3rd annu­al exhi­bi­tion sea­son with shows in both the Fall of 2024 and Spring of 2025, we are proud to share that the spir­it of our orga­ni­za­tion is strong and col­lab­o­ra­tive as ever. Our Fall ‘24 and Spring ‘25 exhi­bi­tions will fea­ture more than 140 abstract artists. By the end of 2024 TAAC will have exhib­it­ed more than 300 abstract artists liv­ing and/or work­ing through­out New Mex­i­co! This year, we have had the hon­or of col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Couse-Sharp His­toric Site to copro­duce On Which It Rests, an exhi­bi­tion fea­tur­ing 21 artists from New Mex­i­co con­tem­plat­ing the sig­nif­i­cance of place. We are also delight­ed to join the Har­wood Muse­um of Art in 2024 and 2025 in weav­ing togeth­er mul­ti­ple webs of the Taos cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty through a series of col­lab­o­ra­tive events and exhi­bi­tions ded­i­cat­ed to the life and work of the late great artist Luchi­ta Hur­ta­do. One such project is a response exhi­bi­tion, Chan­nel­ing Luchi­ta: a Com­mu­ni­ty Response to the Life and Work of Luchi­ta Hur­ta­do, run­ning from Novem­ber ‘24 — Feb­ru­ary ‘25 at the Mil­li­cent Rogers Muse­um in Taos, which fea­tures ten artists respond­ing to Hurtado’s themes. As our com­mu­ni­ty expands, we will invest cre­ative ener­gy into projects and rela­tion­ships that align with our mis­sion to cen­ter artists and ampli­fy acces­si­bil­i­ty and diver­si­ty in abstract art and prac­tice across our region.

TAAC is an inclu­sive group that ampli­fies self-iden­ti­fy­ing abstract artists liv­ing and work­ing in North­ern New Mex­i­co, hon­or­ing our inter­sect­ing iden­ti­ties across race, nation­al ori­gin, eth­nic­i­ty, cul­ture, size, gen­der iden­ti­ty and expres­sion, dis­abil­i­ty, sex­u­al­i­ty, age, socioe­co­nom­ic sta­tus, neu­rotype, reli­gion and/or spir­i­tu­al prac­tice. All abstract artists are wel­come in their pur­suit of provoca­tive expres­sion. Thank you to the artists who respond­ed pas­sion­ate­ly to our exhi­bi­tion open call this sum­mer and who active­ly gen­er­ate new con­nec­tions and con­cepts in cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty-build­ing and art prac­tice. Thank you always to Taos itself for lend­ing its his­to­ry and lega­cy to us as a point of chal­lenge, inspi­ra­tion, and opportunity.

Yours in Abstraction,

TAAC Core Lead­er­ship Team
FALL 2024 & SPRING 2025 Curators

Lau­ren Dana Smith
bian­ca gabrielle goyette
Lynette O’Kane



Todd Austin 
Dan Badgley 
Mor­gan Barnard 
Bri­an Barreto 
Stephen Battle 
Christie Bundy 
Mary Jane Butler 
Karen Coy 
Anna Bush Crews 
Bar­bara Doroba-Ogg 
Jan Dorris 
Mr. William Eager 
Agniesz­ka Gasparska 
Ren Geertsen 
Wes­ley Giron 
Nan­cy Grabowski 
Thomas Christo­pher Haag 
Christi­na Hall-Strauss 
Roger Harrington 
M. A. Havens 
Aleya Hoerlein 
Robert Hoerlein 
Aman­da Jack­son Miller 
Lydia Johnston 
Nan­cy JonesFrancis 
Bruce Katlin 
Jes­si­ca Krichels 
Lizzy Layne 
Susan Lefkowich 
Elaine Lewis 
Annell Livingston 
Jess Merritt 
Doug Miller 
Josh Mishell 
Lysha Montiel 
Vio­let Moon Tower 
Car­ol Morgan-Eagle 
Mar­garet Nes 
Lynette O’Kane
Mar­cia Oliver 
Leigh Oviatt 
Scott Palsce 
Susan Pasquarelli 
Pat Pitcher 
Hen­ri Preiss 
Veron­i­ca Primerano 
Vir­ginia Primozic 
Alan Paine Radebaugh 
Cathy Rapp 
Sun­ny Redmond 
Wiley Reid 
Mr. Mark Reynolds 
Aarin Richard 
Joseph Riggs 
Tom Rogers 
Gre­ta Ruiz 
Mag­dale­na Traico Sandor 
Lind­sey Schreiber 
Bri­an Shields 
Jonathan Sobol 
Max Sorenson 
Melis­sa C. Storrow 
Ber­nice Sua­zo Naranjo 
Scott Sutton 
Josh Tafoya 
Julia Takahashi 
Peg­gy Trigg 
Olive Tyrrell 
Mar­gret von Keiser 
Jame­son Wells