Anna Bush Crews

Ranchos de Taos, NM

Relic From the Future


15" x 10" x 10"




Working with the time-based media of photography and video has led me to an awareness of linear versus cosmic time, transience and place. As an adult I became a collector of many things out of curiosity, chance, and my wish for connection to the past. Old photos, such as albums, glass plates, and selections from collections are used again. I work to bring together the material of clay with the idea in making ceramic sculpture. Just as the material of clay can demand patience, sometimes the idea comes to fruition even more slowly. Like the clay, the idea could have been resting for eons, until the right catalyst brings elements together. Preparing slabs can be by pressing the slab into organic matter or casts I have made, leaving an indexical impression, and then making the slab into a form. The form and the slab need to relate, and in this combining something else comes into being. In the forms I seek balance and asymmetry, often landscape informed, by the immediate landscapes of Taos.

Artist Statement

I was born in Taos and left after high school for UNM, the Andean Study Center in Quito, Ecuador, and San Francisco State for an MA. Living and teaching photography in Zambia and Botswana, as well as free-lance work, also in Malawi and Qatar, broadened my outlook and contributed to my art practice through the breadth of references I have gained from other cultures and travels. Teaching has given me a lot and I retired as Senior Lecturer from the University of Wales, Newport, UK. I have exhibited photography, collage, and video in various places, mostly England, and various publications and have lots of unfinished projects. Since returning to Taos in 2014, I have made ceramic sculpture and exhibited in NM.


