

Pecos, NM

Oppression Inserted


16.5" x 16.5" x 14.5"




MAC is an abstract wood sculptor in San Miguel county who along with being an artist, is a therapist, activist, mover and pusher of all things needing change. MAC’s work is politicallycharged, and often critiquing/calling out the inequities, oppression, and racist institutions in which our country operates.

Artist Statement

This piece is a continued conversation of race, racial oppression, and the continued injustices in communities across this country. The connected, intersecting, and overlapping pieces of the wood are the ways in which the communities we live in are bonded and continue to hold hope for the change that is needed in all aspects of the systems in which we navigate. As a therapist, activist, and someone who engages in the social justice for the BIPOC and queer communities, the work I do in the therapy room is echoed into the communities I engage.
