
Ron Piercy

Rio Rancho, NM

Altered History

Oil on Canvas





Ron Piercy, 1952 - California. Painter, sculptor, jeweler. Studios in Rio Rancho, NM. Numerous group shows, and representation through out California, Oregon, Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, NM. Primarily began as a painter in the 60’s, then by 1972 found object sculpture. Stone found its way in by the 1980’s and then carved stone by 1990. Oil painting and stone/ metal/ glass sculpture is the main focus 2000-2023. Jewelry started in 1960’s and is a continuous pastime. Hundreds of paintings, sculptures, and jewelry, too many to list, in private and many corporate collections throughout the country and world. I quit maintaining a CV many years ago. It no longer has any meaning to me. I am continuing to learn, grow, and experiment with abandon. Unfettered by definition or associated meaning I can live and create as I please.

Artist Statement

The creative process has been and continues to be the focus of my thinking and being. Throughout the day all that falls into my field of vision is considered through the filter of color, form, and texture. The idea of context and composition is inherent in nature, and is only considered when in the studio. This is not a critical form of thinking but simply a natural continuation of being part of the creation; the vision exists because I am participating in it. I use these images as a subconscious catalog that my conscience mind then draws upon when I’m in the studio. I create because I live in the creative sense of being. When I am not able to create, for whatever reason, I am not living as my true self. My happiness, and well being, lies in being my true self. Art is the mind’s commentary on creation.





Art Art Gallery
Tofte, MN