
Santa Fe, NM

4 Moveable Elements


13.25" x 9.75" x 3"




Graduated SMU Bachelor of Fine Arts. Attended Graduate School at USC. I have been a maker of art for 5 decades.

Artist Statement

| get immense pleasure creating objects - taking an idea, a thought, the mental picture then picking a material, a method, and working the chosen material - dealing with the mass, the structure, the visual presence. The process is a series of decisions which results in a new object - definitely thoughtful, hopefully interesting. I always feel the need for a sense of order or structure in a piece - some organizing principal. I find the clarity and discipline of the geometric form exciting - a particular manifestation of the human mind. Some of my pieces are purely geometric or number-based in origin and execution. Some pieces are my personal geometric or numerical extrapolations of natural forms. Irregardless, many of them are clean geometric forms only from some angles but are designed to “devolve” or “deconstruct” into a chaos of lines from other angles as one moves around the piece. To me, this achieves a kind of life and introduces an element of surprise in the pieces. My chosen materials tend to be metal and wood. Each presents its own challenges to work with. Of the metals, aluminum is especially satisfying for me to work with due to its mass and workability. I love its color and “purity.”

