Taos, NM
Mixed Media
20" x 20"
Born and raised in Pensacola, Florida. Spent much of youth on bayou in marshes and bamboo groves, building grass huts. B.A. in Fine Art from University of Alabama in 1962. M.A. in painting and printmaking from San Jose California in 1967. Arrived in Taos in 1968 for The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation residency for a year’s grant. Built studio and home here in adobe with neighbor’s help. Still living and working here over 50 years. Work in numerous public and private collections.
Artist Statement
My roots are in Abstract Expressionism. I regard my work, however as non-objective. An interest in Eastern philosophy, Taoism has also influenced my work. Issues of chance, paradox and play are also factors. The imagery seems to arrive from a place between impulse and intuition.
Catalog website developed by TAAC sponsor Fermentable Sugar LLC.