
Jameson Wells

Arroyo Hondo, NM

Hondo Series #44


36" x 36"




Born in Baltimore MD in 1946 into a musical and artistic family, Jameson Wells began making art and studying classical violin at an early age. Her aunt, Haydon Wells, was a graduate of MD Institute of Art, as well as her grandmother Alice Haydon Wells. Nearly everyone in the extended family played music.

Her art schooling consists of 4 years at Towson State University in Maryland in the mid-1970’s, studying painting under the tutelage of Enrique Montenegro, who was GA for Richard Diebenkorn at UNM, and Dr. Mildred Zindler for sculpture. In 1978, indirectly through Mr. Montenegro, she moved to New Mexico, first settling in Madrid and to Taos a year later in 1979, where she currently resides. Her work has been represented in galleries in Taos, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Dallas, Houston, Tucson, and in various other shows around the country.

Wells has worked in many mediums and styles, including figurative and abstract stone sculpture exploring spiritual archetypes, paintings of landscapes and dreams, and many years of making abstract wall reliefs in several different series, using paper and mixed media. Her current focus is on creating fabric/paper collages, continuing to explore geometry, texture, color, and the illusion of space and form, our relationship and size in the Universe, the thin line between what is real or not.

Artist Statement

So much important work is being done to address the many current political and health concerns, locally and globally. My work attempts to encourage the viewer to broaden our awareness to the macro and microcosmic levels, that there is a great reality besides the loudest one we are daily confronted with. And to pay attention to what is in front of us, what is the truth of what we see?

The art that grabs me the most is art that draws me inward, and is healing in it's colors and rhythms, like a mantra. Art can have a healing effect on the world by raising and expanding our awareness that there is more to life than what we see in front of our nose. Or actually, what is in front of our nose is far greater than we think, and we are far less than we think. Helping us get right-sized in relation to the rest of the living forms on this planet, in our galaxy, in the Universe filled with 2 trillion galaxies; that is, 2 with 12 zeros behind it. Our minds cannot comprehend that kind of space and complexity, but I find it important to try to realize that we are actually floating around in that space on a tiny speck of dust we call planet Earth.

This may sound a bit wacko, but the fact is, it is the truth.

So I try to do what is in front of me, keep it simple, be quiet , and listen to what wants to happen. To trust the creative process, it is a mystery.




Untitled Fine Art
Taos, NM

Art from Jameson Wells in other TAAC exhibitions

Hondo Series #37
Fall 2022
Jameson Wells